Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Shake an Egg

Have you heard of Laurie Berkner? She sings songs for kids that we just love here in our home. She makes kids music enjoyable instead of annoying. I must say I can listen to her music non stop while playing with Bug and not get sick of it. She has 5 CDs {i believe} plus a The Best Of CD and I can't tell you which is my fave. I love them all! 

On her CD "Whaddaya Think of That?" there is a song called I Know A Chicken. It's also on The Best Of CD.

The song is so much fun and she tells you different ways to shake an egg. If you don't have a shaky egg you can just shake your body, but we made some shaky eggs from old plastic eggs we had in our play food cart since Easter. 

What you will need:
  • Plastic Eggs {one per kid, or as many as you'd like}
  • Small items to put inside the egg to make noise. We used yeast, rice & small noodles. We wanted to make ours soft and loud shakers. Other ideas are oatmel, cornmeal, sprinkles, beads...
  • Crazy glue
  • Tape

First you are going to want to tape the inside where the holes are {if any} so there are no leaks.

Then fill half an egg about 3/4 of the way. Place glue around the edges and let it dry. {don't glue your fingers to the egg} If you are lazy and impatient like I am you can just wrap some packing tape around the egg so it doesn't open easily. You might not want to do that meathod with younger ones who will try to open it. Bug was a good listener and didn't even attempt it. 


Give it to your little one, turn on some Laurie Berkner {you tube video we used's some other songs after too} and shake an egg!

I tried adding a video of Bug but it's just not working! Ugh. If you'd like to see Bug shaking her egg to Laurie Berkner it's on my Facebook Wall


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