Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

My Sanity Savers

Bug seems to have been teething since she was 5 months old! I feel like every time one tooth breaks through in comes another! We are onto the molars at the moment and she has been super duper cranky! Besides that she is climbing on anything and everything in the apartment! She has learned that if she grabs a throw pillow from the couch she can step on it to boost her onto the couch! This would be fine if only she actually sat on her bottom! When she is cranky and nothing seems to be helping her here are my sanity savers:

#1. Cheese! Bug absolutely loves cheese. Last night she had a crying fit and nothing was calming her down. I gave her a teether, she threw it on the floor. I changed her diaper, it didn't help. I gave her food, she dumped the plate. I picked her up, she pushed to get down. I gave her the bunny blankie she loves, she hugged it...but continued crying. I was about to break down and cry with her! Just then I said "who wants some cheese?" and she stopped crying and ran over to her highchair! Whew!

#2. Her favorite TV shows. I don't like sticking her in front of the television too often but lately that's all that will calm her down. Bug loves Yo Gabba Gabba (which is a little on the annoying side being that the songs get stuck in my head) and Blue's Clues.

#3. Bug's daddy. I don't know how daddy can calm her down just by walking in the door, but it works. I'm the one who is with her all day, changes her, feeds her, reads to her and plays with her so I guess she gets a little sick of me!

#4. Coffee (for me!) If I didn't have coffee every morning (and afternoon) I would be cranky and then we would both have a crying fit!
I'd love to know what your sanity savers are!
Please share below.

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