Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

What's Hookin' Good Lookin'?

After taking a fairly long break from making things for my Etsy shop and just crocheting in general, I am back to hooking! I just wanted to share with you this pom pom blanket I am making for Crissy {}, a photographer who I have worked with a few times before. 

At first I didn't know what to do with this yarn, but after some searching around the web and a Youtube video or two I started on this blanket that is quickly working up!

It's super duper soft and fluffy!

The color is really off in this photo, but you get the idea.
My sister in law is having a baby girl this summer and while I was making this today I thought it would be cute for a nursery floor by the crib or a little tummy time rug. It's pretty heavy for a blanket and the 27"x27" square I'm making is taking about 9 skeins so a big blanket would be big moolah! Thank goodness for my 40% off coupon!

I had a hard time finding out how to crochet a blanket with this yarn so once I get some good photos I will be sharing how I made this one. I promise, it's super easy!

What's on your hook? I'd love to see. 
Come by my Facebook wall and share away!
{or comment a link to a post of your work}

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