Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 12

something I do every day

  • pray and give thanks for each day
  • stress (If you stress too, read this)
  • say "I love you" to my daughter & hubby (and whoever else I speak to in my family)
My hubby calls me a worry wart because I am always thinking too much about everything! I make non-stressful situations stressful. I don't know why and I can't help it! I get so worked up sometimes that I give myself panic attacks. I am trying to work on not stressing about what I have no control over. I just pray about it and that always makes me feel better! 

I always say "I love you" to my family...no matter what! Even when my hubby and I get into a fight we never go to bed without saying it...even if it is with a little hint of an attitude. 

If you would like to take part in this challenge click the button below.

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