Senin, 07 November 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Bubble Wrap Hop

One of my BFFs {my Nanny} moved to Florida to live with my aunt since she can no longer deal with cold winters and living alone anymore. Pretty upset about it. Being that my aunt is already established in Florida, my Nanny had no use for all her houseware things...which means I was able to get them! Yay...we never had a bridal shower or anything so I was so happy to finally get some of these things. As a result I had piles of boxes that needed to be unpacked and a toddler in great need of attention. 

I must have unwrapped a million things that were in bubble wrap squares so I placed them down in a row leaving a little space so Bug had to hop onto each square. Kind of like hop scotch for toddlers. She had so much fun and was entertained for a good amount of time. Not only was it fun to hop, but popping the bubble wrap was a great bonus! 

She also helped her Snuggle Bunny hop!

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