Kamis, 03 November 2011

{Tutorial Thursdays} Felt Pinwheels

I have a new obsession...like I need another one in my life right now! It's felt. I have a board on Pinterest dedicated to this lovely material and all the craftiness you can create with it {Fun with Felt}. Not to mention everything is super easy to make and works well with my fave tool...the hot glue gun!

Some of you may know I have a craft show coming up and I came across this tutorial on felt pinwheels. It looked easy enough and as suggested in the post I will be {trying} to make a banner using these for my table. How fun! If not, maybe I'll make a few to stick in a Mason Jar for a fun decoration. :)

You can find the tutorial here on Mrs. Priss. While your there check out her other great DIYs. Serious pinnable stuff over there!

I made one so far {I ran out of felt...eek!}

I also made a hair clip...my hubby says it's the best hair clip I've made yet! Woo hoo!

Don't forget to hop on over and visit my Flickr Group {please...it's looking a little pathetic over there} and show me some of your fun felt creations. 

There is also A Pinteresting Link Party going on every Saturday through Friday afternoon that I'd love for you to join.

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