Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Crochet Panda Ornament

Jessica - Don't look at this post!
Unless you want to ruin one of my gifts to you! :)

Do you remember these cuties from A Pinteresting Party? These ornaments were one of the link ups I featured and I finally found a little but of time to whip one up for my sister! I don't know how I didn't realize that there was a pattern posted {maybe lack of sleep?} but I just did my own thing based on the photos. Here is the pattern by the way.

Here is my little guy. His ears are a little too far on top of his head...
but I think he's pretty cute still, no?

Don't forget to link up your creativeness on this weeks Pinteresting link party! If you need an invite to just shoot me an email or post on my facebook wall and I will have one sent to you. 

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