Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Satin Flower Tutorial

I know, I know...I said I would show you how to make this a while ago but better late than never, right? I make these as a pin to attach to the necklace onesies I have in my shop. If you missed it, I wrote up a tutorial on how I make them! See it here. Has anyone made one yet? I would love to see how it came out if you did. You can post it on my Facebook wall, email me, or post it in my Flickr Group

Now onto the tutorial. Here is how to make a Satin Flower Pin:

You will need:

  • Satin {the smallest my craft store would cut is 1/8 yard and it was enough to make lots & lots of these}BONUS- it was only $0.62!
  • Freezer Paper {not necessary but makes cutting easier}
  • Felt in a matching color.
  • Card stock/cardboard ircles cut in the following sizes {I used my Cricut machine} 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5" & 3"
  • A Pin {if you are making this into a pin}
  • A Bead, Pearl, Button...something small for the center.
  • Needle & Thread
  • Fabric Scissors
  • A lighter {I am not responsible for hurting yourself or burning anything down - ya never know}
  •  An iron
  • A glue gun & glue
Here's what you do:

You are going to want to iron on the freezer paper {shiny side of freezer paper to dull side of satin} to the satin to make it easier to trace the circles and cut them out.
You don't need to hold the iron over it, just run it back and forth a few times. You will be able to tell when it is on. It will stick together.
See? It's stuck on there nice and good.
Trace your circles and cut them out.
Don't they look nice and sharp? I have tried to cut satin in circles without the freezer paper technique and it is way more difficult...for me at least!
Peel off the freezer paper. Do it slowly so the fabric stays nice and neat.
Take a lighter and burn around the edges. They will curl like this. You only need to hit the edge of the fabric for a second. I tried to get a video for you but I was alone and trying to record & use a lighter was getting a little dangerous for me {I'm a spaz} but I'm sure there is one on YouTube or something.
Stack them together, largest to smallest.
Thread your needle and sew them together in the center.

Grab your felt and cut out a 2" circle.
Using your needle and thread, sew on the pin back. {or you could hot glue it}
Hot glue the felt to the back of the satin flower and there you have it!
Pin it onto a necklace onesie to make it oh so cute!
This was a custom order. I love the grey with light pink, don't you?
If you have any questions just comment or email me and I'd be happy to help if I can. :)

I'll be linking up this tutorial to some of these parties.

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