Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

What's Hookin' Good Lookin'? {Prayer Shawl Ministry}

Since I moved into our apartment a little over a year ago I have visited a couple local churches and finally found one where I felt we fit in. Bug loves our church and looks forward to it each week! Our church has a Prayer Shawl Ministry where knitters & crocheters get together once a month to make things for donation. I missed the first one I was able to go to due to unexpected plans but I am so psyched to sit around with a bunch of old{er} women and crochet my little fingers off! Since I missed it last month I figured I'd get a head start and make some hats until the next meeting. Here is one I made most recently:

I just love the pattern I have from The Dainty Daisy Blog for this Shell Stitch Beanie. It's super easy and works up quickly!

What's that? You can't crochet/knit but you want to help?! Wow, that's super great of you! You can donate so that I can buy yarn to use for donations or to give to the church for our meetings! Just $2-3 can get a whole skein {roll} of yarn that can make a few small hats!

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