Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

A Fun Frozen Snack

Since bug has been teething for what seems like forever, she really enjoys frozen snacks. Here is one that can involve the kiddos in the making process!

Yogurt (flavored if you'd like)
Cheerios or any similar cereal

Here's what you do: (You can either cut the banana in half for this to make a Popsicle for older kids but for Bug I cut up the banana into bite size pieces.)

Put the Cheerios into a Ziploc baggie and give your little one a wooden spoon, or a toy hammer works great if you have one, and let them bang away until the Cheerios are crumbs!You can also have them crush them with their hands. Whatever works for you!

Take your banana pieces and dip them in the yogurt, then roll them around in the Cheerio crumbs. (Just like breading chicken!)

Pop them in the freezer on a tray and once they are frozen you can put them all in a freezer bag. My advice would be to take them out of the freezer for about 5 minutes before serving these to your baby or toddler.

Find this recipe and more here.

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