Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

{Freebie Friday} Win a Flower Headband from misszulala

Happy Freebie Friday! I hope you all had a great week. :) Today you get the chance to win a custom ordered flower headband from misszulala! There are a new set of getting to know you questions this year. They are a little more personal so you can get to know each shop owner a little better. Get to know Caitlin of misszulala and enter in the Rafflecopter giveaway below.

Tell us about yourself.

I'm Caitlin, I dont have any kids, but I have a kitty that I spoil as if she were a kid (she even had a halloween costume this year... she went as a bat). I currently live in Missoula, Montana. I'm in my 3rd year at the University of Montana in the Elementary Ed department, with the goal of becoming the worlds best 2nd grade teacher.

How did you get started in your craft and selling on Etsy?

I was making a tutu for a girl I nanny and decided that I like making them and could probably sell them. From there I went to silk flowers and putting them on headbands and flipflops. Just recently I have begun to make children's clothing and can now make pants and halter tops.

What is your favorite item in your shop & why?

I would have to say my favorite items are my headbands. I really enjoy making them and wearing them. I fell that they add a little flair to any outfit.

Do you have a job outside of Etsy?

Yes I currently go to school full time and work full time as a nanny. I have been with the same family for about 2 years now and I love watching the kids grow. The oldest just turned 2 and I have just finished up potty training him.

What is one thing you can not live without?

Hmm, my cat, but I dont think she classifies as a thing, so I would have to say my laptop. I always have it with, for taking note during class or listing to music at work, I'm always on it.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I would have to say that my guilty pleasure would probably be watching the Steve Wilko show... its on when both kids are napping and is a nice break from my stressful days.

Tell us a joke.

Why was the momma strawberry crying? -------cuz her baby was in a JAM!

There's these two muffins baking in an oven and the first muffin looks over to the second one and says, "Man its sure hot in here." The second muffin replies, "AHHHHHHH a talking muffin"

You could win a custom order flower headband from misszulala! 
Just follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter form below. Easy peasy!
{want to make a purchase from misszulala? Like her on Facebook and get 10% off}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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