Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Spend More Time Outside {Resolution #1}

After the New Year I had starting thinking about how I wanted this year to be different. I'm not too big into making resolutions but I did come up with 12 ways for me to be a better mommy in 2012. I will be talking about each and why I have set that goal for myself.

My first goal:
Spend more time outside: being that it's getting colder and colder I have been slacking outside time. I just downloaded the book "15 Minutes Outside" by Rebecca P. Cohen for my Kindle app. which I got for free on my desktop & phone. There are so many ideas to do outside with your kids.

I was recently reading one of my favorite blogs {I Can Teach My Child} when I read Jeane's post about The 15 Minutes Ouside Challenge. That's where I found out about the book "15 Minutes Ouside" by Rebecca P. Cohen. 
 The book is $10.19 on amazon.com and if you have a Kindle or a Kindle app on your desktop or phone you can get this e-book for only $1.99! Score! 

I downloaded it and started reading it that night and I am loving what I have read so far. Although we have been creating our own ideas at times, there are a ton {365 to be exact} of ideas at your hand for all types of weather! 

We got a little bit of a late start to this challenge since Bug was sick for the first few days of the new year, but we have been spending 15 minutes {usually more} outside each day. Bug has been enjoying it so much that last week she asked to play outside while the car was warming up before we left to start our day {this was at 7:45am}. Lucky for her I was ready early that morning and we went for a walk for 10 minutes until it was time to leave. 

I have a Pinterest board just for things I see that would make outdoor play fun {and bareable in the winer} if you'd like to follow it.  I'd love for you to join me on Facebook and share how you are playing outside {and you can also see our photos there}.

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