Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Oh Me, Oh My. What'll I Do? {Advice Please: losing the binky...and my mind}

As I sit here writing this post my 2 1/2 year old, binky-less toddler is wide awake making me some peas in her play 11:30pm! I am in some serious need of advice! Here's the whole background shabang:

We live {and always have lived} in a one bedroom apartment. When Bug was a baby we used to rock her to sleep {for almost a year} before deciding we needed to suck it up and get her to learn how to fall asleep on her own. After a week of screaming crying every night she was finally able to go to sleep in her crib on her own {with her binky}. Ever since then she takes literally 5 minutes to fall! 

Our new years resolution {which I decided} was to get rid of the binky. Two weeks ago my sister in law mentioned throwing the binky away to Bug. She held the binky over the garbage for about 10 minutes deciding if she wanted to toss it or not. She did! Since she knew it was in the garbage and couldn't be saved, I threw out the only other spare binky we had so I had no chance of giving in! {although I could go to the store if I were that desperate...but I'm pretty lazy and probably wouldn't want to}

The first few nights went surprisingly well. She went to sleep, no crying. It took her more than 5 minutes, but she did it! It was all downhill after that. Now she is not napping {which isn't that big a deal} but on top of that she is not going to bed at night. We have thin walls and 3 apartments connected to us. I put Bug in her room at 8pm and she roams around for a while before starting her craziness of screaming and banging on the walls. I try ignoring her, but she is such a stubborn little toddler! She has screamed and banged for over an hour before and I just don't know what to do anymore. She won't even go to sleep when we are both in the room with her. Ugh! She has a bunny {like a security blankie} that she sleeps with but apparently that isn't enough to comfort her. I just don't want to get into the habit of rocking her to sleep again!

Any other moms {or dads} out there who get their tots to lose the binky and have sleep issues? I'd love to hear any advice!

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