Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

{Mmm, Mmm, Mondays} with Nikki from Two Sweet Potatoes

Today Nikki from Two Sweet Potatoes is sharing a homemade pizza recipe.

I am so excited about this recipe Nikki shared because I never thought I could make a homemade pizza that actually tasted like pizza {and didn't take forever}! I think this is going to be a weekly meal for us. I have to say it was quick, easy, and fun to make!
Dough Recipe:
Make this pizza crust with 1/2 whole wheat.  I like to mix mine with the dough hook in my Kitchen-aid mixer but it's not necessary. {I don't have one} Then I just cover the dough with a warm slightly damp towel and just let it sit in the mixing bowl while I prepare the sauce and toppings.
Pizza sauce for 1 pizza: 6 ounce can tomato paste, garlic powder or fresh minced or crushed garlic(if you have a Trader Joe's by you they carry frozen crushed garlic) and onion powder (I usually use about a teaspoon of each), either a couple teaspoons of dried basil and oregano or even better if you have fresh and you can add more like a couple tablespoons of basil and maybe a tablespoon of oregano.  Add just enough water to get the consistency you like.
Toppings: our favorite are green bell pepper, mushroom and pineapple.  I finely chop the toppings so my young ones are more likely to eat them rather than pick them all off.  My younger son has a dairy allergy so we use goats milk cheddar or soft goat cheese which works just as well as mozzarella.
Assembling the pizza: roll out your dough in any shape you like(give your little ones a small chunk to play will and roll out too).  Brush with olive oil.  Spread the sauce. Add your toppings and pop in the oven at 425 degrees for about 18 minutes on the second to the top rack.
Once you make this a couple times you'll be amazed at how fast it is.  {it seriously is quicker than calling the pizza place} Homemade pizza faster than your delivery place can deliver it.

Here is my pizza making experience:

You should definately check out Nikki's links:
Her shop has such a-dorable baby things {organic bibs, clothes, and more}

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