Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

{Thursday Thoughts} Thank Goodness I'm Done Dating!

A good friend of mine came over the other night and we were sharing horror stories of our dating lives {mine of course are over thank goodness}. 

Here's how my worst date went:
I had just started college and was studying in the square as a band was playing. The drummer came up to me when they were done and we started chatting. He walked me to class and asked me on a date...so I agreed. We went to Fridays and right after ordering, he gives me some reason why he needs to run to the bank {he forgot his debit card and cash or something} so he said he'd be right back. Well, he took 40 minutes to come back. I had already finished my meal {like I was waiting for someone who came unprepared for a date} and went home. That was my worst date ever!

I found it funny that on the way to work the following day they were also talking about how horrible dating is. The games people play, where to meet people these days, worrying about cheating now that everything is done over a computer, lack of communication since we all text instead of talk...the list went on and on. 

If I ever had to go through that again I would probably just give up and get cats instead! I am not a bar/club person and I am not comfortable with meeting through the internet {although it has worked out for some of my friends} so I feel like there aren't many options these days. Where else would you meet someone? Maybe at work, or at a party/BBQ I suppose. 

How do you feel about the dating world these days? What do you {or did you} hate {or like} about it? I'd love to hear some horror stories too if anyone would like to share.

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