Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

{Helping Children Learn & Grow} Encourage Learning

The first few years of life are essential for learning and you are your child's first teacher. Relationships, feelings, language, cause & effect are all learned during these years and learning should be encouraged so your child will grow & love to learn new things!

Children are naturally curious and if you encourage their curiosity they will continue their search for knowledge with confidence & excitement. Here are a few tips to encourage curiosity and learning:
  • Answer your child's questions...all thousands of them. {try not to ignore the questions, even if they just asked it 5, 10, and 15 minutes ago too}

  • Let them explore, even if they make a mess in the process. {just make sure they are safe}

  • Encourage experimentation. Children are constantly wanting to see what happens when I do this? but if it is something that is dangerous or not allowed {such as dumping sand out of the sandbox} try to encourage them to try something similar {such as, lets see what happens when we dump the sand in this bucket/strainer}.

  • Take your child to see different places. Take a trip to the zoo, park, library, mall, or anywhere that is a safe place to walk around or play. Ask questions such as "what do you see over there?" to enhance their exploration.

  • Expose your child to different  experiences. Swinging, sliding, pushing, pulling...all of these can be explored with you as the commentator {look what happens when we push this button. Hear that sound? That button rings the doorbell}.

  • Pretend. Read books together, play dress up, act out animals, have a tea party {that's our favorite}. Anything goes.

  • Limit TV time. Educational shows are great, but it gives your child all the answers instead of them exploring and coming to their own conclusions. If you do have TV time with your child, try to be involved as you are watching.

  • Include learning in everyday activities. Teach your child numbers, colors, & letters just by saying them out loud each day {How many balls are you holding? You're holding two balls! What color balls do you have? You have one red ball and one green ball.} You get the idea.

  • Most importantly, make learning fun. Excitement is contagious! Always be encouraging, even if your child doesn't seem to be getting it or paying attention. They are listening and storing it...believe me! One day they will just blow you away with how much they know and learned from you.

'Learning is Fun!' by crocheting4baby

Some of my favorite toys for helping children learn and play.


Elephant Matching M...

Mail and Mail Bag f...

The Elements Playsi...

organic BALANCING T...

Minky Rag I Spy Bag...

Wooden Rainbow Matc...

Children's Alph...

Goldilocks Finger P...

Wooden Alphabet Mag...

Lacing Beads

Lacing Toy - wooden...

Felt Toy Handmad...


Beautiful Fabric Te...

Stacking Animal Puz...

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