Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

{Thursday Thoughts} Quick Iced Coffee from James

I am a coffee addict. I have at least a cup every morning and afternoon at nap time. If I don't, Bug will tell you what happens. {It's not pretty} Since it's summer, I have been loving some iced coffee in the afternoon so in the morning I stick my coffee in the freezer so that by nap time it's...semi iced. My sister's boyfriend was over at my moms this weekend and shared a quick way to get your coffee from warm to iced! I have to share it!

Take your coffee and fix it while it's still warm so the sugar disolves.

Take a drink mixer {I don't know what they are called but they look like this}
Fill it up with ice, then your coffee. Then shaka-shaka-shake it up until it's cold! {literally took a minute or two} Then pour through the strainer part and enjoy!

*I also like to make ice cubes out of un-fixed coffee so when it melts my coffee isn't watered down.*

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