Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

{Hurricane Prep} Getting Ready for Irene

If any of you are along the eastern coast of the US you are very aware of hurricane Irene {and if you aren't...maybe you should turn on the news}. I never watch the news and didn't know how bad this hurricane was supposed to be until Thursday! I have been getting some things together so I am prepared for Irene. 

If you don't hear from me for a little while it is because we are out of power. I have some posts set and ready so we should be good. I just might not be able to approve comments right away or reply much. 

Another fellow blogger from the eastern coast {madigan made who's in PA} wrote a post today including a little prep list that is very helpful. You can see it here. There are a couple of other things I did to prepare:
  • I will be filling up the bathtub so I have water to scoop into the toilet in case we can't flush {that would be gross}

  • I made 2 pots of coffee {might make more today} & put some in the fridge and lots in plastic containers in the freezer becuase if I can't have my coffee I.WILL.DIE!

  • I did a last load of laundry so we have all clean clothes in case we can't use water for a while.

  • I did all the dishes and made sure I ran the dishwasher so I didn't get stuck with dirty, smelly dishes in there.

  • I got some non perishable snacks for my toddler. {anyone have any advice on some things to have around for toddlers to eat if there is no electric? I couldn't think of much but she won't starve. I have food for her, just would like more options.}

  • I also got some powdered milk for my toddler.

  • I put whatever was freezable from the fridge to the freezer. I had some zucchini so I made zucchini bread to throw in the freezer too! 

 If you want to track the storm, One + One = Four posted some great sites to stay on top of the storm. Go check it out here.

Make sure you follow all precautions and if you are recommended to evacuate, please do! We will be going to my moms since we are close to the area that is evacuating. Good thing too, because my mom & dad are so much more prepared than us anyway! 

I hope all of you stay safe!

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