Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Move & Groove with Patty Shukla

Bug and I just love to dance and move around! It's great for gross motor skills and gets those kiddies to be active! I was searching for this song that I have heard on either Nick Jr. or The Disney Channel and happened to stumble upon Patty Shukla in the process. {I have yet to find the song I was originally looking for} Bug is now in love with dancing to most of her songs. Here are our favorites that you can dance and move around to:

 "JUMP!" is Bug's favorite. My favorite part is the rest she gives us parents in the middle! I don't know about you, but I am not capable of jumping for a whole 3 minutes like Bug is!

This "STOP" song is kind of like a freeze dance. We use our signs "stop" and "go" for this song {as well as run, dance, jump, and all the other activities}

"If I were an Animal" gets you and your kids moving like different animals through the whole song. Bug loves to waddle like a Penguin {and I must say she looks so cute doing it too}!

We love "Play with Me, Sing Along"! It ends with having the kids sit down which makes for an easier transition from moving around into story time {or another calmer activity}!

I hope you enjoy moving around to these songs as much as we do! Bug loves when I participate and dance along with her and it helps her act out the movements by watching me too. So put on your dancing shoes {or kick your shoes off} and have fun!

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