Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

{Tutorial} Notebook Tee

It's almost that time {here in NY at least} for back to school!Although my daughter is 2 and has quite some time before I send her off on a bus...I wanted to make something for one of you amazing readers {well, not for you...for your kiddo}. First, here is a tutorial in case you don't win {or aren't the crafty type}:

You will need:

  • fabric paint in light blue and red
  • a foam brush
  • a t-shirt, onesie, or tank
  • cardboard or old cards
  • a new folder {or a old one in super condition}
  • iron
What to do: 
Step one: Wash, dry & iron your shirt.
Step two: place cardboard or a couple cards between the shirt so the paint won't leak through {sometimes I forget this step and end up with an un-giftable shirt...or one for keeps}
Step three: Spread light blue paint along the folded edge of your folder & starting with right below the bottom of the arm, press in as straight a line as you can. {no need to be perfect and it's a-ok if some spots are missed. I think it looks better that way.}

Step four: Use something as a spacer or measure even spaces and continue down the shirt with the lines. {mine were a little over an inch apart}

Step five: Wipe the blue paint off the folder edge as much as you can {or use a second folder} and on to the red paint. Spread the paint and make the line a little to the right of the right arm. {unless your folder is the length of the shirt, you will need to re-apply some red paint and line it up to continue down the rest of the top}.

And there you have it. A cute back to school DIY top for your little cutie. Best thing is, it can be for a girl or boy {if you use a boy tee}! You can even do the back if you'd like. Just try to make the lines with the same spacing to match in the back. 

I'd love to see your project if you try this. You can post your flickr/photobucket link in the comments or email me at totshop728@yahoo.com. :)

Now, onto the giveaway! I am giving away this top to one lucky winner! It is a girls size 4T {Circo Brand from Target} or a boy size 4T {Walmart Brand Tee}. Only front is painted, but I will paint the back if winner prefers it that way.

If you make one I'd love to see it! Email me or post it to my new Flickr Group

To enter this giveaway - CLICK HERE

Linked up on:
A Crafty Soiree
Making Monday Marvelous Linky Party
Come Together Kids

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