Senin, 26 September 2011

{Mmm, Mmm, Monday} PB&J Pops

What's that Bug? You want an ice pop...for lunch? Sure thing! 

I have never bought ice pops for Bug since she was born. I always made her baby food and all the treats as well. There has never been a time when she asked for an ice pop that I have said no because they have always been a healthier treat than those sugary ones from the stores. I make fruit juice pops {from the actual fruit i.e. watermelon, cantaloupe, berry} and yogurt pops and Bug eats them up without even realizing she is getting calcium and loads of other good stuff with it!
When I saw this recipe for PB & J Pops on Weelicious {if you haven't checked out this should} I knew I had to try it! Bug is just starting to eat PB & J and in the form of an ice pop is even more enticing! I'm pretty sure if I made Brussels sprout pops she'd give them a go.

I'd love to see how yours came out. Share here on my Flickr Group {please? :-< I think it's a little sad I only have 3 members}

What's your child's favorite way to eat PB & J?

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