Senin, 12 September 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Colored Rice Sensory Play

The weather here is getting cooler and I love making use of Bug's "water" table as a sensory table instead. When I saw how easy it was to make colored rice, I knew this would be perfect to fill her water table with!

Here's how you make it:

We funneled ours into an empty water bottle so Bug could help color the rice since we tried the plastic baggie method and Bug put a hole in it and it leaked and stained the counter top a little. Oopsy! Guess we should have used stronger baggies than we had. Live & learn, right?

 I think she had more fun doing it this way!

It dried over night and we were able to play with it the next day! 

I poured it in the water table and gave her some scoopers and bowls to scoop and pour. {great for fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination}

Bug had a blast playing with the rice and it kept her entertained for a whopping 35 minutes...and she was quiet as a mouse! Love it!

Hope you have fin with this! Don't forget to take pictures and add them to my Flickr Group! I'd love to see them.

Thanks for stopping by for this weeks...


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