Senin, 26 September 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Felt Face Board

I love felt! I have been meaning to make a full on felt board for activities, but haven't gotten around to getting a large piece of felt to make one with. I do however have lots of felt pieces. They are about $0.20 each sheet in the craft store so it is the perfect material to use for crafts!

Bug has been whiny in the car lately so I decided to make her a felt face board to entertain her in the car or if we are out. It's even great for sitting at the table and playing while I cook dinner. Here's how I did it:
I freehand drew a face and ears & cut it out. {fabric scissors work best on felt}

I then hot glued it to another piece of felt.
Added some googly eyes {but you can make some felt eyes} and a nose.
Go to town and make some funny mouths, hair shapes, mustaches, eyebrows...etc.
My hubby had one of these clip board things that he didn't need anymore so I took it and thought it would be great to clip the face board on and keep the pieces inside for travel & to keep in the car all together.

Have fun and make some faces...  

...then let your kiddo play with it.

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