Rabu, 28 September 2011

{Tutorial} No-Sew Tank Top Bag

Has anyone seen The Tank Top Tote? They are available to buy for $8.95 here, but I'm going to show you how to make one yourself {without sewing}. 
Grab a tank top you don't want to wear any longer, some Ultra Bond Fusible Web, heat up an iron {and maybe grab a cup of coffee if you're anything like me}. Lets get to work! :)
Turn your tank inside out & tear off remove the tag with a stitch remover.
I don't advise being lazy like I was and try to rip it off or else you will end up with a hole that you are going to have to sew up...which will take a lot more energy than using a stitch remover. *Humph*
Cut a strip of ultra bond and place along the inside bottom of your tank where you want it to be attached. {your bond will most likely look different than mine. I got mine with something I purchased for hemming it and just used that}
Iron it as instructions on bond gives you. Make sure it is all secured. If not, run the iron on it for a little longer.
Turn your top right side out and there you have it! Your very own tank top bag. {even my hubby thought this was pretty darn neat}!
I'll probably be using mine to carry around my yarn and projects to work on when traveling. I wouldn't put extremely heavy things in this {unless you can sew...which I can't} but I'm sure it could hold a decent amount of weight.

If you make one I'd love for you to show it off! Upload your photo here on my Flickr Group. {I'd really love for you to join.}

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