Minggu, 18 September 2011

{Mmm, Mmm, Mondays} Everything's Better in Color

Bug has been becoming a picky eater and it is beyond my control! I put everything on her plate and she'll pick at it and move things around, but she barely wants to eat anymore. Breakfast has always been her favorite, but lately it has been getting harder to feed her these foods too. Over the weekend I was making some Oat Pancakes and decided to make them colorful thinking maybe that would help her eat more willingly. It worked! She ate about 4 of them! 

All I did was follow the recipe which you can find on Weelicious for Whole Wheat Oat Pancakes {which is similar to the one I have in my cookbook which I use} then separate the batter into as many bowls as colors you want to make. I added only a couple drops of coloring {and threw in some raisins} and cooked them as the recipe states. Even Bug's big brothers {who don't like to try new things like weird Oat Pancakes ate a bunch}. Score! 

What are some tips you have for picky eaters? I'd love to try them out!

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