Kamis, 07 April 2011

Easy Peasy Tortilla Chips for all!

Make your own tortilla chips...in a little over 10 minutes!

I know when I have company over I am sure to have chips and salsa or queso for my guests and Bug runs around to each person trying to scrub some food off of them. I always get the scoopable chips which I hate giving to Bug because of their shape. Here is how to make your own tortilla chips (and super quick too) for your little ones or yourself! Use the whole wheat tortillas and dip in some humus for a healthy afternoon snack!

You will need:
an oven

Here's how to make them:
Preheat the oven to 350
divide the tortilla into 8 pieces
lay on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes
watch carefully as they are easy to burn

Easy peasy. I will be making lots of these for the next time I have company so Bug can snack too! (a little healthier than mommy does) 

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