Selasa, 19 April 2011

We're Making Progress

It has been a while since we moved and Bug is still afraid of the big scary bath tub! I was getting a little desperate and was running out of people to ask for advice so I emailed Cheri from I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar for her Sharing Saturdays. (Here is the post.) Her readers all gave me great tips and we are slowly making progress. I took out the old baby bath and put it in the tub, no I put it outside the tub on a towel and she gave her baby doll a bath. She was a little iffy at first, but then she started loving it! 

 Fast forward a few days later...I moved the tub into the kitchen (since I had some cleaning and cooking to get done - two birds with one stone) and Bug actually wanted to go in! She wanted her diaper on, but she went in and sat in the water! Woo hoo! Now I feel like we're getting somewhere! 

 I hope we will be getting closer and closer to being comfortable with water and the tub since the weather is getting nicer and she will NEED a bath after playing outside...or some pool time once summer gets here!

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