Rabu, 27 April 2011

My new addiction!

I came across this tutorial on how to make your own subway art and I can't stop making it!

Here's what I have created so far:

Can be printed as a 5 x 7
This one can be printed as a 5 x 7 to go in a frame. If you use a dry erase marker on any glass frame it is erasable! Cool, huh?
Can be printed as an 8 x 10

What do you guys think? All you have to do is print it out and frame it! If you make one I'd love for you to post it here on my Flickr group...it's pretty lonely over there.

If you would like either of these prints for free (for the first 5 to comment) just comment which one with your email address. I want to see how sending it goes.  I can't guarantee this will work...it's a jpg file. I may be able to get it to a pdf though.
(to avoid spam write your email in this format- totshop728[at]yahoo[dot]com)

I can't wait to print one of these and hang it over my daughters crib...probably the "Goodnight Moon" one since I read it to her every night before bed!

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