Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

I got an award from GoatNotes!

The Versatile Blogger Award

My blog friend {who some of you may remember guest posted here around Easter time} gave me this Versatile Blogger Award and now I am passing it along. Here's how it works:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you

2. Share 7 facts about yourself

3. Pass the award along to 7 bloggy friends

4. Contact those bloggy friends to congratulate them 

Here we go!

Thank you tons Julia from GoatNotes! You brightened my day! I hope you will all stop over there and show her some love. She has a great blog and such a lovely Etsy shop too!

7 Facts about me:

1. I am clumsy. I find bruises all over myself and can never remember how I got them. Luckily I haven't broken anything...yet.
2. I am addicted to my daughter. No really...addicted! I hate leaving her and I hog her all day long!
3. I have to watch Nick at Night before bed so I don't have bad dreams.
4. I have my teaching certificate for grades 1-6 (but am waiting to teach until Bug goes to school)
5. I am hooked on crafting blogs. I love all DIYs and tutorials.
6. I procrastinate and crochet instead of doing what I should! My apartment is full of yarn balls! I need a storage solution for this!
7. I burn things when I bake...but I'm getting better!

And the Award Goes to...

1. Come Together Kids - Laura has such great things on her blog for kids! I love all the ideas I read about!

2. I Can Teach My Child - Jenae used to be a teacher and shows us how to be our child's first teacher. She has such great ideas for kids of all ages!

3. Zucchini Summer - Great Etsy finds and DIYs! I always love stopping by and reading this blog!

4.Easy Makes Me Happy - Because I love all things crochet, especially easy patterns!

5.I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar - I love this blog! Cheri has great tutorials & inspiring weekly challenges.

6.Homemade Serenity - This momma has lovely crafts and recipes that I love reading about!

7. One + One = Four - I especially love reading about her Little Rocker because my Bug is just a day younger than him!

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