Senin, 09 Mei 2011

{Mmm, mmm, Mondays} Ham & Cheese Muffins

Have you checked out yet? There are so many great recipes for toddlers that are easy and yummy! I found the recipe for these Ham & Cheese muffins and I happened to have made ham last week! (I also made these after Easter with the leftovers and they were a hit!)

As usual, mine don't look as good as the ones on the website...but they are yummy!

My batter before baking. (Don't mine the chunk missing from my spatula...I got hungry.)

I would recommend spraying the tin instead of using the paper liners. They stuck to my muffins a little and took some chunks off while peeling them. The first time I sprayed the tin and it was better.
I am thinking of making meal plans on Saturdays for the week including recipes from,, and the recipe book for toddlers I use (which you can get here). Would you all be interested in me sharing my meal plans so you can cook along? I usually cook on weekends and try to make lots of freezable meals.  

*Please keep in mind I am not a nutritionist or have any training in nutrition at all! I will just be posting what I'm feeding my Bug and it may not meet the nutritional requirements for your child(ren) in any way. *

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