Senin, 23 Mei 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Paper Ripping Fun

If there's one thing Bug likes to do it's making a mess! Fortunately she also happens to love cleaning up! {I may have made her a little OCD about this since we can't leave the house if a toy is on the living room floor}

Here is how we had some fun recently. All you need is paper. That's it! Try to reuse some scraps or shipping paper. I hate seeing paper being wasted. Junk mail would be perfect for this too!
Have your little one rip up scraps of paper. We put ours into a pail so it wasn't all over the floor until...

...I took the bucket of paper and dumped it on her! She loved having it poured on her and throwing it up in the air and watching it fall.

 It's really the simple things that are the most fun!


PS - yep, I made her Onesie! It's one of my faves!

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