Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Ugh, blogger down!

I'd like to apologize for a messed up schedule! Blogger was down for a day and a half so some things got a little messed up. Here's what you may have missed:

I swear I approved comments for my Thursday Thoughts post but just now it was not posted and now has 0 comments. Hmm. Sorry if your comments suddenly disappeared. I did read them...not to mention respond...but now they are missing.

I am extending the AvaBowtiquee giveaway until Saturday May 14th 11:59pm since no one was able to comment on Thursday and some of today.  Make sure you enter to win a set of 5 clippies! 

I have postponed the Friday Giveaway to start Sunday (possibly Saturday) since I was unable to set it up. I have my stepsons Friday-Saturday night and need to spend some time with them. If they sleep in I will set everything up Saturday morning. 

Thank you all for understanding and have a happy weekend! :)

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