Senin, 27 Juni 2011

{Toddler Tuesdays} Shaving Cream Fun ~*Linky*~

Sensory activities are great for all ages. Kids love feeling different textures & getting to make a mess well, that's an added bonus. Using shaving cream for sensory play is good, clean fun...really. Did you know shaving cream can get out stains from some surfaces? Google it. Back when I worked in a daycare we used to have the kids do this on the tables & they would look so clean and shiny when they were done. It's also easy to clean. Just use a damp towel.

We used shaving cream for sensitive skin and let Bug have at it.
She was a little sketchy at first...

...but after she got her hands all in it she had a blast!

Her favorite was clapping her hands and getting the shaving cream all over!
{just be careful of their eyes, it may burn if it gets in them}

Smear it all over and draw with your fingers or give your little one a paintbrush to smear it with. Use your imagination & most of all have fun!


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